Adrian Dewan - Adrian Dewan Songs, Adrian Dewan New Songs, Adrian Dewan Song Collection

 Adrian Dewan - Adrian Dewan Songs, Adrian Dewan New Songs, Adrian Dewan Song Collection.

#Maanav || Minor Revolution || Official Lyric Videoबाँदरबाट आको भन्छ मान्छे जाती

कस्तो यो बिचार! लाग्छ भन त्यस्तो तिम्लाई हेर्दाखेरि आफ्नो अनुहार? Song: MAANAV Album: MINOR REVOLUTION Written/Sung by ADRIAN DEWAN Keys: DANIEL SUBBA Electric Guitar: ALLEN KARTHAK Flute: JOHN RASHIN SINGH Bass: PRASAN PARIYAR Drums: EVAN RANA Vocal recorded at Mint Audio by PRASAN PARIYAR Mixed/Mastered: MANZIL BIKRAM KC @ Studio ‘M’ ‘Maanav’ Minor Revolution All rights reserved © Adrian Dewan 2020

#Pahichaan || Minor Revolution || Official Lyric Video

An unsettled identity is an unsettled life. ‘Who really am I?’ is one of the haunting questions as old as the earth. Many people naturally place their identity on the temporary visible things, whether they be wealth or beauty or achievements in life, even failures and losses. The song is a collection of questions and not the answer. Do listen and be disturbed. But thankfully there is an answer. The answer is my inspiration for this song and it is a verse from the Bible about our unshakable identity. Colossians 3:3 - ‘“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” 👉🏻Written and Sung: Adrian Dewan 👉🏻Music Arranged: Den Studios (Daniel Gadal) 👉🏻Guitarworks: Aadon Bongboo Kunchudyangmoo 👉🏻Drums: Sumy Gadal 👉🏻Mix/Master: Robin Chettri 👉🏻Vocal recorded at Mint Audio by Prasan Pariyar ‘Pahichaan’ All Rights Reserved © Adrian Dewan 2020

Like all other parents, we are overwhelmed with joy to beget a lovely baby. Here’s a song to cherish and celebrate our son Nicholas’s coming into this world. Song: TIMILAI DEKHE PACHHI Written and Sung by ADRIAN DEWAN Music Arranged/Mixed/Mastered by JOY DARJEE [JD Production] Guitar by NICKY DARJEE Video/Typography by EVAN KUNWAR RANA Vocal recorded by SANDEEP RAI @ Studio4One

1. Timilai Dekhe Pachhi || Official Lyric Video

तिमीलाई देखे पछि तिमीलाई पर्खेर बसेका थियौं नौ नौ महिना देखि तिम्रो मुहार हेर्न तड्पेका थियौं नौ नौ महिना देखि आज नयनहरूले विश्राम पायो व्याकुल हृदयहरूमा शान्ति छायो (तिमीलाई देखे पछि) २ तिम्रो मुस्कानमा संसार रोकिन्छ, तिम्रो हेराईमा मेरो धड्कन् तिम्रो रूवाईमा संगीत गुन्जन्छ तिम्रो बोलीमा मेरो आनन्द ईश्वरको हाँसोलाई लिएर आयौ जीवनको पिडाहरू बिलायो (तिमीलाई देखे पछि) २ स्वागत छ तिमीलाई अस्तित्वमा आमा बूवाको सानो घरमा प्रेमको सौगात स्वर्गको देन आशिष होस तिम्लाई यो संसारमा मिठो खलबली जीवनमा ल्यायौ ईश्वरको प्रेमको स्वाद हृदयले पायो (तिमीलाई देखे पछि) २

2. Happy Christmas - Karaoke

3. Happy Christmas || AD || SOV || Official Video || 2020

4. Mahima Hos Yeshuko || Karaoke

5. Alpha Omega || Samuel Rasaily || Adrian Dewan || Prabhu Ji 2020

6. Mahima Hos Yeshuko || SSAJ || Official Video || Adrian Dewan

को हुन को हुन स्वर्ग छोडी संसारमा आउनुहुने को हुन पापीहरूलाई टिठ्याउनुहुने को हुन क्रूसमा आफ्नो प्राण दिनुहुने को हुन? को हुन मृत्युबाट बौरी उठ्नुहुने को हुन महिमामा स्वर्ग जानुहुने को हुन फेरी बादलमा आउनुहुने को हुन (मण्डली भन्छ एउटै स्वरमा)२ (वहाँ येशू मुक्तिदाता हाम्रो)२ [(महिमा होस)३ येशूको]२ को हुन पापरहित जीवन जीउनुहुने को हुन शैतानको शिरलाई कुल्चनुहुने को हुन पराक्रमी युद्ध जीत्नुहुने को हुन को हुन पानीलाई दाखमद्ध बनाउनुहुने को हुन छालहरूमाथी हिड्नुहुने को हुन अनन्त जीवन दिनुहुने को हुन (मण्डली भन्छ एउटै स्वरमा)२ (वहाँ येशू मुक्तिदाता हाम्रो)२ [(महिमा होस)३ येशूको]२

7. Karaoke | Prashansa Nepali Bhaakaima

8.Prashansa Nepali Bhaakaima || SSAJ || Official Video || Adrian Dewan

(प्रशंसा, महिमा नेपाली भाकैमा येशूलाई दिउँला) २ (मादलको तालैमा, सारंगी, खैंजडी, बाँसुरी बजाउँदै दिउँला) २ (कोइली कुहु गर्दै जयजयकार गर्छ येशूको नाउँलाई झरना झररर झर्छ पहाडबाट उनको अनुग्रह झैं) २ प्रशंसा, महिमा नेपाली भाकैमा येशूलाई दिउँला सारंगी रेटौंला आज येशूलाई भेटौंला उपस्थितिमा उनको खुशीले नाँचौला मादल बजाउँदै हो मनमा वहाँलाई सजाउँदै वचन अमृत सुनि हृदयमा राखौंला प्रशंसा हाम्रो प्रशंसा येशूलाई नै दिउँला सारंगी, खैंजडी, बाँसुरी बजाउँदै दिउँला (बतास सिरिरिरि बग्दै मनलाई उडाउँछ येशूतिर नै खोला सललल बग्छ तराईतिर उनको करूणा झैं) २ (प्रशंसा, महिमा नेपाली भाकैमा येशूलाई दिउँला) २ (मादलको तालैमा, सारंगी, खैंजडी, बाँसुरी बजाउँदै दिउँला) २

Jaaga | Minor Revolution | Official Lyric Video

10. Naya Ritu | SSAJ | Official Video
वो...वो...वो... F A# F स्वागत गर्छौं येशू तपाईको झरिलाई A# F A# C नयाँ ऋतुलाई जीवनमा हाम्रो A# F जीवनमा हाम्रो F A# F (सिंहासनबाट नदी बगी आउँदैछ F A# F जीवनहरूलाई धोइ चोखो पार्दैछ)२ A# Gm C Dm A# C दुई हात फैलाई गर्छौं स्वागत त्यो चोखो पार्ने आत्माको F स्नानलाई F A# F यो धार्मिक्ताको झरी यो धार्मिक्ताको झरी A# F यो शुद्ध पार्ने झरी यो शुद्ध पार्ने झरी A# F मरूभुमीमा नदी मरूभुमीमा नदी A# F यो निको पार्ने झरी यो निको पार्ने झरी वो...वो...वो... (ख्रीष्टको प्रेमको आगोले हृदय जल्दैछ वचनको प्रकाशले जीवन बल्दैछ) २ नून र ज्योति हौं जगतको दिंदैनौ शत्रुलाई हाम्रो पुस्तालाई खोस्न (यो अभिषेकको झरि)२ (यो जीवन दिने झरी)२ (मरूभुमीमा नदी)२ (यो निको पार्ने झरी)२ (आज्ञापालनको झरि)२ (सुसमाचारको झरि)२ वो...वो...वो...

Yeshuko Haatharu | SSAJ | Official Lyric Video

11. खोज्दछु/KHOJDACHHU - Official Lyric Video

12. वहाँ मेरो शरणस्थान/Waha Mero Sharansthaan - Official Lyric Video

13.Prashansa Hamro Hatiyar - Official Lyric Video with Chords

14. मलाई चुन्नुभो/Malai Chunnubho - Official Lyric Video

Song: Malai Chunnubho Written and Sung by ADRIAN DEWAN Back Vocals: EVAN and MANITA RANA Arranged, Instrumentation, Mixed and Mastered by EVAN RANA @ Kairos Recording Studio, Kathmandu Lyrics Typography by EVAN RANA Background Artwork Illustration and Animation by ARJUN SINGH (ख्रीष्टको स्वरूपमा बनिनको निम्ति)२ (जगतको उत्पतिभन्दा अगि मलाई चुन्नुभो) २ (पवित्र अनि निश्कलंक हुन) २ (जगतको उत्पतिभन्दा अगि मलाई चुन्नुभो) २ (तपाईको पूर्वज्ञान अनुसार मलाई हे परमप्रभु तपाईले बोलाउनुभो) २ मेरो धर्मले र कर्मले होइन कुनै खुबी र योग्यताले होइन (तपाईको अनुग्रहले नै म त चुनिएको छु) २ आज्ञाकारी र नम्र भइ हिड्न न्यायलाई प्रेम गर्न धार्मिक्तालाई खोज्न (तपाईको रगतले येशू म त किनिएको हुँ) २ तपाईको पूर्वज्ञान अनुसार मलाई हे परमप्रभु तपाईले बोलाउनुभो यसैले उचाल्छु प्रशंसामा यी हातहरू दण्डवत गर्छु तपाईलाई येशू यसैले जीवनभर आराधना म गर्नेछु धन्यवाद दिन्छु तपाईलाई येशू

15. मेरो अंश/Mero Angsha - Official Video

In numbers 18:20 God makes a beautiful and solemn declaration to the tribe of Levi that when they will enter Canaan they will not have inheritance in Canaan’s land like other 11 tribes of Israel, nor will they have any portion among the sons of Israel, but their ‘Inheritance’ and ‘Portion’ is the Lord Himself. This is the reason why King David and other Psalmists say this in their psalms again and again ‘The Lord is my portion...’ If a person understands the depth of this phrase ‘I the Lord am your portion’ his life will change forever. Today Jesus lives in each one of us through His Holy Spirit. Jesus is a worshipper’s portion and inheritance. Song: ‘Mero Angsha’ Lyric/Composition: Adrian Dewan Back Vocals: Sophia Lama Dewan, Evan Rana Music Arrangement/Guitarworks: Kapil Sunar (Apaar Records, Dharan) Vocal Recorded at Kairos Recording Studio by Evan Rana Mixing/Mastering: Kapil Sunar Studio: Apaar Records Camera: Robi Roka and Yug Raj Khadka Editing: Jaman Video Production: Ray Of Hope Production Visual composition: Jaman Video Cast: Bikash Adhikari, James Lama, John Rashin, Anish Jerry, Samuel Chettri, Bir Bahadur Magar, Philip Tamang, Adrian Dewan Produced by Bikash Adhikari (Sundar Dhoka Church) Be kind to us by not uploading the original audio/video from your own youtube channels or any other online platforms. If you are blessed through this song and want others to listen to it too then please share the original link of this video. These songs are for your free streaming. A D (तपाईको उपस्थिती मेरो आत्माको मोह बनोस E D A तपाईको आराधना मेरो हृदय आदत बनोस) २ D A तपाईको प्रेमलाई मेरो प्राणले चाखेको छ E D A E D A तपाईलाई हेरेर जीउँछु, तपाईलाई पर्खेर बाँच्छु Bm A E D A (मेरो येशू मेरो प्रभु मेरो अंश तपाई मेरो धन्) २ (तपाईको प्रेमको मेरो हृदयलाई लत लागोस तपाईको मुहार खोजने मेरो आत्माको रहर बनोस) २ स्वर्गमा तपाई बाहेक मेरो अरू कोहि छैन पृथ्वीमा तपाई मात्र मेरो हृदयले चाहेको (मेरो येशू मेरो प्रभु मेरो अंश तपाई मेरो धन्) २ A Bm तपाईको उपस्थिती मेरो आत्माको मोह बनोस A E A तपाईको आराधना मेरो हृदय आदत बनोस A Bm तपाईको प्रेमको मेरो हृदयलाई लत लागोस A E तपाईको मुहार खोजने मेरो आत्माको रहर बनोस

16. नहेम्याह/Nehemiah - Official Lyric Video

Nehemiah was a cup-bearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes I, during 446 BC. His ancestors had been taken captive from Israel to Persia.
His job was to taste the wine before offering it to the king, to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. He was also a trusted adviser and counselor. Nehemiah had a secure job in the palace with all comforts. But his heart was for/in Jerusalem, ‘the dwelling place of God’. His body was in Persia, but his heart and his interest were in Jerusalem – 800 miles away. His heart ached for Jerusalem. When he heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and the city gates had been burned, he couldn’t keep his composure. Greatly distressed and taken by grief Nehemiah sought God’s will through fasting and tear-filled prayers to determine what steps he should take to help rectify the deplorable conditions of his countrymen. Jerusalem, a place chosen by God to dwell, was supposed to be the center of Joy for the whole world. She was the city of King of kings, but due to the continuous disobedience of Israelites, the land had lost its glory and was left desolate. Nehemiah was someone who understood the importance of these things and as the Book says, he goes to Jerusalem and rebuilds the wall which also makes him one of the most exemplary leaders in the Old Testament. This song describes His burden and concern for Jerusalem (God’s dwelling place). Are we concerned about God’s dwelling place today? Spiritual Jerusalem lies in ruins within us, within our families and country? May our hearts ache for the sanctuary of God. May we, like Nehemiah, be determined about re-building Jerusalem in our lives, families, and nation so that God’s presence may dwell in and among us. Song: Nehemiah Lyrics/Music/Vocal: Adrian Dewan Music Arrangement/Guitarworks: Daniel Gadal Drums/Percussions: Sumy Gadal Backing Vocal and choral voices: Daniel Gadal/Sannidhya Thapa Mixing/Mastering/Keys/Synth: Robin Chettri Studio: Judah Plows Recording Studio Vocal Recorded at Mint Audio Studio, Kathmandu (Prasan Pariyar) Video: Ashesh Dewan म छु महलमा, सम्राटको सेवामा तर मन मेरो खिंचिरहन्छ, यरुशलेमको पर्खालहरुले घटी छैन यहाँ केहीको मलाई तर निन्द्रा-चैन खोसिदिएको छ, यरुशलेमको पर्खालहरुले (म नहेम्याह नहेम्याह राजाको मध टकराउने, मेरो मन छैन महलमा म यरुशलेम जाने र पर्खालहरु नबनेसम्म, म खुसी हुन नसक्ने मान्छे) २ हे परमप्रभु स्वर्गका परमेश्वर, तपाई बाहेक जाने ठाउँ छैन सम्झनुहोस आफ्नो करारलाई स्वीकार्दछु म, मेरा अधर्महरु, दिनुहोस क्षमादान हामीलाई, म र मेरा पुर्खाहरुलाई (ओ यरुशलेम यरुशलेम तिमी मेरो आँसु रोदन, विश्वको हर्षको केन्द्र महान राजाको नगर तिम्रो वैभव फर्की आएको हेर्ने मेरो आत्माको रहर) २ सम्झेर भाँचिन्छ मेरो मन, उजाडिएको छ यरुशलेम, ढालिएकछन् पर्खालहरु, जलेकाछन् मूल ढोकाहरु हे परमेश्वर दिनुहोस सामर्थ, गएर गर्न सकूँ निर्माण, तपाईले छान्नुभएको ठाउँ, तपाइको आराधनाको घर (तपाइको आराधनाको घर) ४

17. विश्राम / Bishram [Official Video] - Minor Revolution
here is hope beyond the walls of this world! It is a living hope that keeps us alive. Jesus said, 'Because I am alive, you will be alive as well...' All wrongs will be made right; All wounds will be healed; All tears will be wiped; All things will be made new; There is going to come a time of rest for all of our weary lives. Song - Bishram Album - Minor Revolution Lyrics/Music - Adrian Dewan Vocals - Sophia Lama Dewan/Adrian Dewan Back Vocals - Daniel Gadal Music Arrangement - Team Judah Plows Guitars - Aadon Bongboo Kunchudyangmoo Drums - Sumy Gadal Keys/Synth - Robin Chettri Bass - Aadon Bongboo Kunchudyangmoo Mixing/Mastering - Robin Chettri Studio - Judah Plows Recording Studio Camera/Edit/Grade - Ashesh Dewan Lights - Prafulla Lama (Restoration Studio Pedong) Choreographer: Angel Rai (Aradhana Prayer Center) Dancers - ANGEL RAI, NICY DEWAN, PRASHANSHA YOGYA RAI, KAREN RAI, PETER RAI, SARAD MUNDA, LASONG LEPCHA, PRAJWAL RAI, DOMA LHAMU BHUTIA, ISHWAR PRADHAN, LAGAEN LEPCHA, SAYAN CHETTRI (Aradhana Church, Pedong)

Ramaune Kaaran - Karaoke

19. खुशी/Khusi - Minor Revolution
Song: Khusi Album: Minor Revolution Lyric/Music/Vocal: Adrian Dewan Music Design: Daniel Gadal Keys/Synth: Robin Chettri Guitars: Aadon Bongboo Kunchudyangmoo Bass: Aadon Bongboo Kunchudyangmoo Drums: Sumy Gadal Mixing/Mastering: Robin Chettri Studio: Judah Plows Recording Studio Video: Ashesh Dewan

20. खाल्डो/Khaaldo - Minor Revolution (Official Video)
Song – Khaaldo [Track #4]
Album – Minor Revolution Lyrics/Music/Vocals – Adrian Dewan Music Arrangement – Daniel Christopher Subba/Allen Karthak/Prasan Pariyar/John Rashin Singh Back Vocals – John Rashin Singh Flute – John Rashin Singh Guitars – Allen Karthak/Prasan Pariyar Keys – Daniel Christopher Subba Bass – Prasan Pariyar Vocal Recorded at Audiostation Recording Studio Kathmandu Drum Programming – Youtube Version (Evan Kunwar Rana/Daniel Christopher Subba) Album Version – Sumy Gadal Mixing Mastering – Youtube Version (Evan Kunwar Rana) Album Version (Robin Chettri) Video: Direction/editing/Color Grading – Ashesh Dewan Cinematography – Ashesh Dewan/Evan Kunwar Rana Video Cast – Band, Sachit Pandey, Sandesh Jaisi, Youel Jaisi, Maya Jirel Lama

21. मृतक/Mritak - Minor Revolution (Official Lyric Video)
‘Mritak’ is a cry of a person who has become a victim of a corrupt greedy system that runs the city. He is torn by the sight of injustice and exploitation; lies and false promises; violence and hatred; avarice and bribery; poverty and broken lives everywhere. He is crushed under the crooked system and desperately wants to go back to his own home. However this song is not advocating escapism, it is only expressing the heart and feelings of an individual who is living under such corrupt system. May us all envision a city where peace, righteousness and justice dwell together. May us all become an active force of change. May there be a revolution! Song - Mritak Composition/Vocal - Adrian Dewan Music Arrangement - Daniel Gadal and Team Judah Plows Back Vocals - Daniel Gadal Guitars - Aadon Bonboo Kunchudyangmu Bass - Aadon Bonboo Kunchudyangmu Drums Programming - Sumy Gadal Mixing and mastering - Robin Chettri Studio - Judah Plows Recording Studio Vocal recorded at Audiostation Studio Kathmandu (Prasan Pariyar) Lyric Video: Ashesh Dewan

22. थुमा/Thuma || Official Lyric Video || Adrian Dewan/Sophia Lama Dewan
Song – ‘Thuma’ Album – ‘Naya Karaarko Hriday’ CrossWay Community Church Lyrics/Music – Adrian Dewan Vocals – Adrian Dewan/Sophia Lama Dewan Backing Vocals – Daniel Gadal/Sannidhya Thapa Music Arrangement – Daniel Gadal Flute - Suraj Gazmer Mixing/Mastering – Robin Chettri Studio – Judah Plows Recording Studio, Siliguri Lyric Video – Ashesh Dewan (हेर परमेश्वरको थुमालाई संसारको पाप उठाई लैजाने हेर पापबलिको पाठोलाई तिमी र मलाई बचाउने) २ धन्यवाद होस् थुमालाई पिई नसक्ने कचौराबाट हाम्रो लागी पिउनुभो महिमा होस् थुमालाई जो मारिनुभयो, सिद्ध बलिदान दिनुभयो...दिनुभो (हेर क्रूसमाथि येशूलाई, खोला सरह रगत बहेको हेर तिम्रो रब्बी प्रभुलाई, तिम्रो ठाउँ उनले लिएको) २ परमेश्वरको न्यायलाई पूर्ण सन्तुष्ट पारी हाम्रो दोषहरु मेटाउनु भो दण्डाज्ञा अब छैन, पुनर्मिलाप सम्भव भो, अब पापको शासन सिद्धियो...सिद्धियो (बलिदानको रगत बिना पापको क्षमा सम्भव थिएन, येशू आउनुभो पाठो बनि, दिनुभो रगत हाम्रो लागी) २ कठोर हृदय तोडियोस ईश्वरको यो प्रेम अघि, हरेक शिर आज निहुरियोस, निस्तार चाडको थुमा, हाम्रो पाप बोकी लाने येशुलाई सदा महिमा होस्...महिमा होस्...

23. Hazaar Daadaharu [Official Video] - Adrian Dewan | Sophia Lama Dewan
Song – ‘Hazaar Daadaharu’ Lyrics/Music – Adrian Dewan Vocals – Sophia Lama Dewan/Adrian Dewan Music Arrangement [Studio Version] – Evan Kunwar Rana Music Arrangement [Live/Concert Version] - Daniel Christopher Subba/Allen Karthak/John Rashin Singh/Prasan Pariyar Keys – Daniel Christopher Subba Guitars - Allen Karthak Flute - John Rashin Singh Bass Guitar - Evan Kunwar Rana Mixing/Mastering - Evan Kunwar Rana Studio - Kairos Recording Studio Kathmandu Camera/Direction: Ashesh Dewan/Eric Benjamin Rai [Nepal] Anil Kaygili/Gilead Kentoe [UK] Editing/Color Grading - Ashesh Dewan

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