Nehemiah - Official Lyric Video Adrain Dewan

Nehemiah was a cup-bearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes I, during 446 BC. His ancestors had been taken captive from Israel to Persia. His job was to taste the wine before offering it to the king, to make sure it wasn’t poisoned. He was also a trusted adviser and counselor. Nehemiah had a secure job in the palace with all comforts. But his heart was for/in Jerusalem, ‘the dwelling place of God’. His body was in Persia, but his heart and his interest were in Jerusalem – 800 miles away. His heart ached for Jerusalem. When he heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and the city gates had been burned, he couldn’t keep his composure. Greatly distressed and taken by grief Nehemiah sought God’s will through fasting and tear-filled prayers to determine what steps he should take to help rectify the deplorable conditions of his countrymen. Jerusalem, a place chosen by God to dwell, was supposed to be the center of Joy for the whole world. She was the city of King of kings, but due to the continuous disobedience of Israelites, the land had lost its glory and was left desolate. Nehemiah was someone who understood the importance of these things and as the Book says, he goes to Jerusalem and rebuilds the wall which also makes him one of the most exemplary leaders in the Old Testament. This song describes His burden and concern for Jerusalem (God’s dwelling place). Are we concerned about God’s dwelling place today? Spiritual Jerusalem lies in ruins within us, within our families and country? May our hearts ache for the sanctuary of God. May we, like Nehemiah, be determined about re-building Jerusalem in our lives, families, and nation so that God’s presence may dwell in and among us. 

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